Find out who in your province has access to public coverage for HPV vaccination.
For complete and up-to-date information, please consult the link provided for each province & territory. GARDASIL®9 is indicated in individuals 9 to 45 years of age.
Select your province or territory

- Alberta students can get the HPV vaccine (GARDASIL®9) for free in Grade 6
- Students eligible to receive GARDASIL®9 in Grade 6 continue to be eligible to receive the vaccine up to and including 26 years of age
- This vaccine is also covered for males and females 17 years up to and including 26 years of age
- Some people 26 years of age and younger with certain health conditions may be offered the vaccine
For complete & up-to-date information, please consult the Alberta Health Services website.

British Columbia
British Columbia
The HPV vaccine (GARDASIL®9) is provided free to students in Grade 6.
The HPV vaccine is also provided free to:
- People (born in 2006 or later) who were not immunized in Grade 6, if they start their vaccine series before their 19th birthday and complete it before their 26th birthday
- HIV positive individuals 9–26 years of age
- Transgender individuals 9–26 years of age
- Cisgender males 9–26 years of age who:
- have sex with other men
- are not yet sexually active but are questioning their sexual orientation
- are street involved
- Cisgender males in youth custody services centres
- Two-Spirit, transgender and non-binary people 9–26 years of age
For complete & up-to-date information, please consult the Immunize BC website.

The HPV vaccine (GARDASIL®9) is provided free of charge through Manitoba public health as part of the Grade 6 school-based immunization program to:
- All children in Grade 6
- Some individuals with high-risk criteria are eligible to receive up to 3 doses. For complete information about the criteria, refer to Manitoba’s Immunization Program
For complete & up-to-date information, please consult the Manitoba Government website.

New Brunswick
New Brunswick
The HPV vaccine (GARDASIL®9) is provided free of charge through New Brunswick public health for:
- Grade 7 females or those born in 1995 and after; and
- Grade 7 males or those born in 2005 and after
For complete & up-to-date information, please consult the Government of New Brunswick website.

Newfoundland and Labrador
Newfoundland and Labrador
The HPV-9 vaccine is offered to all girls and boys in Grade 6.
For complete & up-to-date information, please consult the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador website.

Northwest Territories
Northwest Territories
The HPV vaccine is available free of charge to all residents between the ages of 9 and 26.
For complete & up-to-date information, please consult the Government of Northwest Territories website.

Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia
The HPV vaccine (GARDASIL®9) is offered to the following:
- Males and females in Grade 7
- Females and males who did not receive the HPV vaccine as part of the school-based program can receive it up to and including age 18 (beginning September 2015 for males)
- Men who have sex with men (for those up to and including 45 years of age)
- Those with HIV (for those up to and including 45 years of age)
For complete & up-to-date information, please consult the Nova Scotia Health and Wellness website.

- Ontario students can get the HPV vaccine (GARDASIL®9) free of charge in Grade 7
- Boys or girls who are unable to begin or complete the HPV vaccine series in Grade 7 are eligible to catch-up missed doses through their local public health unit, free of charge, until the end of Grade 12
- High-risk HPV immunization program:
- Men who have sex with men (MSM) who are 26 years of age or younger who identify as gay, bisexual, as well as some individuals who identify as trans, and who have not started their HPV vaccine series before September 5, 2017
- Extended eligibility due to COVID-19:
- Students who were born in 2002, 2003 or 2004 will remain eligible to complete their HPV vaccine series before August 31, 2023
- Men who have sex with men (MSM) who are 26 years of age or younger who identify as gay, bisexual, as well as some individuals who identify as trans, born in 1993, 1994, 1995 or 1996 will remain eligible for publicly funded doses until December 31, 2023
For complete & up-to-date information, please consult the Government of Ontario website and the Guidance for Routine & Catch-Up Immunization Services document.

Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island
- The HPV vaccine (GARDASIL®9) is administered to girls and boys in Grade 6 and individuals who missed the HPV immunization in Grade 6 since 2007
- HPV vaccine is also recommended in some individuals with risk factors
For complete & up-to-date information, please consult the Prince Edward Island Canada website.

HPV vaccination is offered for free to girls and boys in Grade 4 (GARDASIL®9) and Secondary 3 (Different vaccine brand) under the Quebec Immunization Program’s immunization schedule.
The following people can also be vaccinated against HPV infections free of charge:
- Girls aged 9 to 17
- Boys:
- In Grade 4 of primary school or who have done Grade 4 since 2016–2017
- Aged 9 to 13 who are at risk of exposure to HPV
- In Secondary 3, when their immunization status is updated
- Aged 9 to 17 who attend rehabilitation centers for youth in difficulty, who are under youth protection services or who are homeless
- People aged 26 or under who:
- Have a weakened immune system
- Are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
- Men aged 26 or under who have or plan to have sex with men
For complete & up-to-date information, please consult the Gouvernement du Québec website.

The HPV vaccine (GARDASIL®9) is publicly funded for:
- Girls and boys in Grade 6
- Those who did not receive the HPV vaccine in Grade 6, until they are 27 years old
- Males and females with specific medical conditions
For complete & up-to-date information, please consult the Saskatchewan Health Authority website.

HPV vaccine (GARDASIL®9) is recommended and provided free to:
- Girls and boys in Grade 6 school year
- Females and males age 9–14 years initiating series prior to their 15th birthday outside of the school-based program
- Females and males 15 to 26 years of age
- Females and males, HIV+ 9–45 years of age (refer to the provincial criteria for complete information)
- Males at high risk (9–26 years of age at the time of the 1st dose): men who have sex with men and who are street involved
- People who are transgender (9–26 years of age at the time of the 1st dose)
For complete & up-to-date information, please consult the Yukon Health and Services website.