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Talk to a healthcare professional today

Talk to a healthcare professional today

We get it – you’re busy!
Or maybe you don’t have access to a family doctor. Take advantage of one of these virtual providers to discuss HPV vaccination with a healthcare professional today.

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Book a virtual consultation!*

Depending on your province of residence, some conditions and fees may apply.

Appletree Medical Group

Appletree Medical Group

Appletree offers counselling via video consultations with licensed Canadian doctors and specialists. Consultations services and vaccination are also available at one of their 60+ medical clinics across Ontario.

Covered by OHIP.

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Tia Health

Tia Health

Tia Health provides video chat, phone and secure messaging consultations with licensed Canadian doctors.

Covered by OHIP, RAMQ, AHCIP, MSP.

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WELL Health VirtualClinic+

WELL Health VirtualClinic+

WELL Health VirtualClinic+ connects you to a fully licensed Canadian physician by phone, video chat and secure messaging.

Covered by OHIP, AHCIP, MSP.

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Last updated January 2023.

AHCIP=Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan; OHIP=Ontario Health Insurance Plan; MSP=Medical Services Plan;
RAMQ=Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec (Québec Health Insurance Plan).

* This is not a comprehensive list of all available virtual healthcare providers in Canada.

Questions to ask during your appointment

It can be easy to forget the questions you wanted to ask your doctor. Prepare for your appointment with these helpful questions about HPV and prevention.

Your healthcare professional confirmed that GARDASIL®9 is right for you?

Find a vaccination site near you

Many private insurance plans reimburse some or all of the cost of GARDASIL®9; check with your provider and bring your private insurance card when picking up your vaccine for quick reimbursement. In some provinces, a prescription may be required for reimbursement by your private insurance plan. Check with your insurance provider and talk to your healthcare professional if you need a prescription. You can also use a virtual consultation service to have an HPV vaccine prescription sent electronically to the pharmacy of your choice.