What will your story be?

What if you could help prevent cervical cancer with a vaccine?

The stories are real. The women are real. The risk is real.

These brave women shared their heartfelt C-stories about courage, conviction and compassion.

Listen to their stories
These brave women shared their heartfelt C-stories about courage, conviction and compassion.

Even if you’re healthy. Even if you’re young. Even if you’re very careful... You could still be at risk.

About 75% of sexually active Canadians will have
at least one HPV infection during their lifetime.

Certain types
of HPV
can cause cervical cancer.

It’s estimated that
1,400 Canadian women will be diagnosed with CERVICAL CANCER each year.


Even if you’re a healthy new mom,
you could still be at risk.

Get to know Heather*


Even if you think you’re living a healthy lifestyle,
you could still be at risk.

Get to know Melissa*


Even if you’re young,
you could still be at risk.

Get to know Christa*


Even if you’re in the prime of your life,
you could still be at risk.

Get to know Liz*


Even if you’re in a long-term relationship,
you could still be at risk.

Get to know The Lanctots*

Actual Canadian cervical cancer patient. May not be representative of all patients.

Is it worth the risk?

If you’re a woman aged 18–45, get vaccinated to help prevent cervical cancer.

take control of your story.